“From a Space to a Place” at Agape – Exploring Possibilities
During the third session of our “From a Space to a Place” program at Agape Development, we brought in the very successful, Houston-based photojournalist, Johnny Hanson. With a passion for kids and photography, Johnny enthusiastically jumped in to teach our students about perspective, framing, the rule of thirds, and even abstract photography. The students learned that there are endless possibilities when it comes to t
aking pictures, and that, as in photography, people’s perspectives and interpretations of the world can be very different.
After an interactive presentation, the students were ready to go outside and take their own creative photographs, focusing on their passions and putting their newly acquired skills to use. Each student then selected one photo taken by him/her to be made into a ceramic photo tile.
A couple of sessions later, Johnny Hanson returned to Agape to teach the students about photo editing. He tied his presentation into personal transformation, asking the teens if they had ever wanted to alter something that they did in the past. With this in mind, the students were invited to use computer software to edit the photos that they took during the last photography session. The students began to modify their images, impressing themselves with the results. These new images will also be turned into ceramic tiles, providing a nice “before” and “after” effect. Through this creative process, we encourage the students to make positive changes in themselves, in their community, and beyond.