SSQ: International Exchange – France: A success June 7-17, 2015
TFAA is proud to be a partner with Reginald Adam’s and the Boniuk Institute for religious Tolerance at Rice University on this project , which is partially funded by our very generous sponsor, Schlumberger. This is a thrilling opportunity for students in Houston to gain first hand knowledge, understanding and experience through an International exchange that will result in a lasting piece of public art in Lyons, France. What is SSQ: International Exchange? The Sacred Sites Quest: International Exchange (SSQ.IE) is designed to provide urban youth from Houston, Texas with an opportunity to collaborate with students and community residents on foreign soil on a community-based public art project in the form of a labyrinth. The brainchild of public artist Reginald C. Adams, the seeds for the international exchange were planted when Adams traveled to France in 2012 to execute a public art project with a children’s hospital in Lyon, France. Witnessing first-hand the richness that the unique, distinct culture of the country could potentially contribute to the Houston community, the idea for the international exchange was born. More than just an outreach program, this collaborative is a multi-disciplinary approach to cultural and social awareness that builds bridges between international communities to address issues of education, environment, urban revitalization, creative place-making and cultural tolerance. The program will primarily seek to work with the Texan French Alliance for the Arts in order to build upon and strengthen the pre-existing relationships between France and Houston. Each year, a different exchange country and new students will be featured as the program grows. The first of its kind in the city of Houston, Sacred Sites Quest: International Exchange is an annual signature community outreach event designed to foster collaborations between local youth and international artists, serving to promote and enhance the creative and cultural diversity of the city of Houston. For more information on this project and to donate click on the link below: